sen6® technical data

sen6 tech data


NB IoT independent connection

WiFi connectivity for data streaming and OTA firmware updates


Double processor architecture (System + ML dedicated CPU)

Micro SD slot store and forward data

Inertial sensors

tech data Range [g]  ±4 | ±8 | ±16 | ±32

sen6 tech Sensitivity [mg/LSB] 0,122 | 0,244 | 0,488 | 0,976

sen6 tech Range [g]  ±250 | ±500 | ±1000 | ±2000

sen6 tech Sensitivity [mg/LSB]  8,75 | 17,50 | 35 | 70

High-performance triaxial magnetometer: ±50 gauss


The device acquires location information through positioning systems:


Enviroment sensor

Each environment sensor has an independent adjustable ODR: rrom 1 to 1.600 Hz. sampling rate

4 on-board temperature sensors: surface, exterior, interior of the device. Fourth external sensor can be added.

Three of the three temperature probes are available as connectors, so they can also be remote outside the device

With a range between 300 hPa and 1200 hPa and accuracy ±0,25%

Accuracy ±3% relative humidity

With a range between 60 Hz a 20 kHz – 24 bit

Volatile organic compounds are divided into three categories, depending on the sources of origin:

anthropogenic compounds, originating mainly from human activities, such as petroleum-derived solvents and combustion products; They include benzene, toluene, methane, carbon tetrachloride, ethane, etc. In particular, the industrial use of fossil fuels produces VOCs, either directly from products (e.g. petrol), or indirectly as by-products (e.g. motor vehicle exhaust gases).

biogenic compounds of predominantly natural origin, such as terpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, sabinene, etc.), which are contained in plant essential oils;

anthropogenic and biogenic compounds, such as isoprene (widely synthesized industrially for the production of plastics and synthetic rubbers)


RS 485 interface - Modbus

Electrical and environment characteristics

Direct 12÷24 Vdc

USB Type C 5 Vdc

Average power consumption 200mA max @12V.

Certified internal battery

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